Sólskinsgeisla Kvöld Rökkurdís

CIB ISCH Sólskingeisla Kvöld Rökkurdís

Rökkurdís is my first  Border Terrierinn. She is an Icelandic and International champion and the first one in Iceland to become one. She has alway been a star in the show ring and won the group many times as well as becoming BEST IN SHOW at terrier special show here in Iceland. She was top 5 dog of the year (all breads) 2008 and top 9 2009.

Árangur: BOB 7x BOS 1x BIG 5x BIG 2 2x BIS 1x Íslensk meistarastig 3x CACIB 5x

Rökkurdís has had two litters and the offsprings have done well in the show ring.

Rökkurdís is the reason why I started breeding Border Terriers, she is amazing caracther and we have had many unforgettble moments together.

Now on her ninth year, she is still happy, strong and healthy.

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